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Master Bookkeeping Like a BOSS!

Master QuickBooks Online: Join Our Exclusive Beta Program!

  • Are you ready to take control of QuickBooks Online?
  • Want to learn what the f you're doing from a couple of badass teachers?

Beth and Mel are teaming up, joining forces, and DELIVERING the most fun you're gonna have learning about nerdy finance stuff. 

Remember back in high school when we were told that the nerds would be the bosses one day? HERE WE ARE!!!!! 

Join in on the fun while the price is the lowest that it will ever be again!

Classes begin August 28, 2024

What You'll Learn:

  • Navigating QuickBooks Online: Master the ins and outs of the QuickBooks Online platform, from setting up your account to navigating key features and functions.

  • Managing Finances: Learn how to efficiently manage business finances, including invoicing, expenses, payroll, and more.

  • Reporting and Analysis: Unlock the power of reporting and analysis to gain valuable insights into the business's financial performance.

  • Streamlining Workflows: Discover time-saving tips and tricks to streamline your workflows and maximize efficiency.

The Details: 

  • Start Date: August 14, 2024
  • Duration: 8 Weekly LIVE virtual classroom sessions on Wednesdays from 2:00-3:30 PM Eastern - Live classes will not be recorded. 
  • Homework: There will be anywhere from 30-90 minutes of recorded materials to match between each live class.
  • Beta Cost: Regular Price: $2,000 - THIS TIME ONLY $1,200, GET 40% OFF!!!! 
  • Limited Seats Available: Class size will be limited and seats are filling up fast!

Numbers tell a story, your story. 

The thing most nerds love about numbers is their simplicity and truthfulness. Numbers don’t lie—they narrate the story, the history of what happened. We believe that understanding these figures is crucial for success. Knowing how to interpret financial reports and using that information to make informed decisions about future steps is what it’s all about for business owners, whether you are one or support one.  

Ready to Get Started? 

Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your understanding of QuickBooks Online. Join our beta program today and embark on a journey towards financial mastery!

Click the button below to reserve your spot now:

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